import os, csv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib'ggplot')
%matplotlib inline

data loading

ipa_ratings = [file for file in os.listdir('tIJ_IPA/') if file[-3:] == 'txt']
print ipa_ratings
['rb_reviews_alesmith_ipa.txt', 'rb_reviews_ballastpoint_sculpin.txt', 'rb_reviews_bells_twohearted.txt', 'rb_reviews_lagunitas_ipa.txt', 'rb_reviews_russianriver_blindpig.txt', 'rb_reviews_stone_ipa.txt', 'rb_reviews_surly_furious.txt', 'rb_reviews_tij_ipa.txt', 'rb_reviews_troegs_nuggetnectar.txt']
d = {}

for ipa in ipa_ratings:
    ipa_file = 'tIJ_IPA/' + ipa
    ipa_name = (ipa.split('_')[2])
    with open(ipa_file, 'r') as f:
        temp_dict = {}
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            key, val = line.split('\t')
            temp_dict[key] = float(val)

        d[ipa_name] = temp_dict
df_ipa = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(d)
print df_ipa.shape
(7503, 9)
alesmith ballastpoint bells lagunitas russianriver stone surly tij troegs
00cobraR 4.0 NaN 4.4 3.6 4.0 4.0 NaN NaN NaN
09maso3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.9 NaN NaN NaN
0o9i 4.3 3.5 NaN 3.7 4.1 4.4 NaN NaN NaN
1001 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.8
1010 NaN NaN 4.2 NaN NaN 3.7 NaN NaN NaN


# df_ipa.to_csv('tIJ_IPA/ipa_listing.csv')

dummy plots
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7fec9e8>

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x8b31c50>

some investigation

df_ipa['ratings_cnt'] = df_ipa.notnull().sum(axis=1)

print df_ipa[df_ipa.ratings_cnt > 1].shape
df_ipa[df_ipa.ratings_cnt > 1].head()
(3950, 10)
alesmith ballastpoint bells lagunitas russianriver stone surly tij troegs ratings_cnt
00cobraR 4.0 NaN 4.4 3.6 4.0 4.0 NaN NaN NaN 5
0o9i 4.3 3.5 NaN 3.7 4.1 4.4 NaN NaN NaN 5
1010 NaN NaN 4.2 NaN NaN 3.7 NaN NaN NaN 2
11026 4.6 NaN 4.3 3.1 NaN 3.7 NaN NaN 4.2 5
123456green 4.4 NaN 4.0 NaN 2.5 4.2 NaN NaN NaN 4
df_ipa[(df_ipa.ratings_cnt > 1) & (df_ipa.tij >= .1)].head()
alesmith ballastpoint bells lagunitas russianriver stone surly tij troegs ratings_cnt
20107589 3.7 NaN NaN 3.6 NaN NaN NaN 3.9 NaN 3
77ships 4.1 4.4 4.6 NaN NaN 3.8 NaN 3.6 NaN 5
Abijen NaN 4.0 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.2 NaN 2
Abrakarl NaN 4.1 NaN 3.6 NaN 4.4 NaN 2.5 NaN 4
Alengrin 4.3 4.0 4.3 3.8 NaN 4.4 NaN 3.4 4.1 7
# mean ratings of beers based on number of IPA's from collection rated
# i.e., some reviewers only rated 1 beer, others all 9
# i myself have had 8 of 9; missing 'surly'

alesmith ballastpoint bells lagunitas russianriver stone surly tij troegs
1 4.210861 4.151282 4.177386 3.605392 4.115741 4.062695 4.153600 3.661538 4.047393
2 4.096018 4.030769 4.074603 3.563295 4.036275 3.976417 4.004082 3.567308 4.040268
3 4.101384 4.023220 4.068182 3.601401 4.020472 3.976623 3.993893 3.652381 3.974719
4 4.064113 4.003957 4.035000 3.600968 3.984071 3.983088 3.970000 3.530769 3.935542
5 4.121935 4.032107 4.039316 3.608136 3.986061 3.943421 3.957051 3.510000 3.972283
6 4.048239 3.994094 3.977670 3.569796 3.967045 3.956902 3.985629 3.543333 3.925824
7 4.054967 4.032759 4.046497 3.574786 3.997665 3.907742 3.926860 3.434483 3.893361
8 4.051667 4.031333 4.038796 3.529866 3.966779 3.933110 3.963605 3.475000 3.903082
9 3.947826 3.847826 3.917391 3.530435 4.013043 3.791304 3.782609 3.395652 3.730435

prep for MLE grid by first tallying and getting %’s of votes

ipa_comp = np.zeros(81).reshape(9,9)

for i in range(len(df_ipa.columns[:-1])):
    for j in range(len(df_ipa.columns[:-1])):
        # +1 for outright better rating
        ipa_comp[i][j] += np.sum(df_ipa.iloc[:, i] > df_ipa.iloc[:, j])
        # +0.5 for even score
        # makes more sense for "winning percentage"
        ipa_comp[i][j] += np.sum(df_ipa.iloc[:, i] == df_ipa.iloc[:, j])/2.0
    ipa_comp[i][i] = 0

print 'Post comparison tally:\n'
print ipa_comp
Post comparison tally:

[[    0.    680.5   803.   1040.5   561.   1004.    539.5   153.    605. ]
 [  594.5     0.    703.   1034.    497.5   930.5   479.5   149.    551.5]
 [  634.    724.      0.   1268.    530.   1191.5   620.5   121.    722. ]
 [  125.5   192.    202.      0.    106.5   294.5   108.     98.    165.5]
 [  362.    412.5   444.    673.5     0.    571.    378.5    73.5   429.5]
 [  578.    610.5   833.5  1399.5   424.      0.    442.    171.5   571.5]
 [  310.5   361.5   431.5   622.    295.5   504.      0.     58.    375. ]
 [   15.     28.     21.     69.      9.5    29.5    15.      0.      9. ]
 [  298.    333.5   429.    670.5   278.5   541.5   302.     41.      0. ]]
# number of head-to-head match ups
# number of reviewers
# obviously only counting reviewers with two or more IPA's rated
# info already available above but highlighting it here
np.sum(df_ipa.ratings_cnt > 1)
ipa_perc = np.zeros(81).reshape(9,9)

for i in range(len(df_ipa.columns[:-1])):
    for j in range(len(df_ipa.columns[:-1])):
            ipa_perc[i][j] = ipa_comp[i][j]/float(ipa_comp[i][j] + ipa_comp[j][i])
            ipa_perc[i][j] = 0
print 'Post percentage calculation:\n'
print np.round_(ipa_perc, 4)
Post percentage calculation:

[[    nan  0.5337  0.5588  0.8924  0.6078  0.6346  0.6347  0.9107  0.67  ]
 [ 0.4663     nan  0.4926  0.8434  0.5467  0.6038  0.5702  0.8418  0.6232]
 [ 0.4412  0.5074     nan  0.8626  0.5441  0.5884  0.5898  0.8521  0.6273]
 [ 0.1076  0.1566  0.1374     nan  0.1365  0.1738  0.1479  0.5868  0.198 ]
 [ 0.3922  0.4533  0.4559  0.8635     nan  0.5739  0.5616  0.8855  0.6066]
 [ 0.3654  0.3962  0.4116  0.8262  0.4261     nan  0.4672  0.8532  0.5135]
 [ 0.3653  0.4298  0.4102  0.8521  0.4384  0.5328     nan  0.7945  0.5539]
 [ 0.0893  0.1582  0.1479  0.4132  0.1145  0.1468  0.2055     nan  0.18  ]
 [ 0.33    0.3768  0.3727  0.802   0.3934  0.4865  0.4461  0.82       nan]]
print df_ipa.columns[:-1].tolist()
print np.round_(ipa_perc, 3)
['alesmith', 'ballastpoint', 'bells', 'lagunitas', 'russianriver', 'stone', 'surly', 'tij', 'troegs']
[[   nan  0.534  0.559  0.892  0.608  0.635  0.635  0.911  0.67 ]
 [ 0.466    nan  0.493  0.843  0.547  0.604  0.57   0.842  0.623]
 [ 0.441  0.507    nan  0.863  0.544  0.588  0.59   0.852  0.627]
 [ 0.108  0.157  0.137    nan  0.137  0.174  0.148  0.587  0.198]
 [ 0.392  0.453  0.456  0.863    nan  0.574  0.562  0.886  0.607]
 [ 0.365  0.396  0.412  0.826  0.426    nan  0.467  0.853  0.513]
 [ 0.365  0.43   0.41   0.852  0.438  0.533    nan  0.795  0.554]
 [ 0.089  0.158  0.148  0.413  0.114  0.147  0.205    nan  0.18 ]
 [ 0.33   0.377  0.373  0.802  0.393  0.487  0.446  0.82     nan]]

test MLE iteration on toy set

original motivation:
more step-by-step:; screen shots below

toy_wins = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 0]])
array([[0, 1, 1],
       [0, 0, 1],
       [1, 0, 0]])

rating_iter = []
[array([[ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.]])]
idx_a = 0
idx_b = 1
idx_c = 2

# newA
np.sum(toy_wins[idx_a]) /\
    float( np.sum(toy_wins[idx_a][idx_b]+toy_wins[idx_b][idx_a])/float(rating_iter[0][idx_a]+rating_iter[0][idx_b]) +\

# newB
np.sum(toy_wins[idx_b]) /\
    float( np.sum(toy_wins[idx_a][idx_b]+toy_wins[idx_b][idx_a])/float(rating_iter[0][idx_a]+rating_iter[0][idx_b]) +\
# newC
np.sum(toy_wins[idx_c]) /\
    float( np.sum(toy_wins[idx_a][idx_c]+toy_wins[idx_c][idx_a])/float(rating_iter[0][idx_a]+rating_iter[0][idx_c]) +\

teams = {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 2}
def new_rating(team, rating=0):
    team_list = [team]
    wins = float(np.sum(toy_wins[teams[team]]))
    denom = 0
    for t, idx in teams.items():
        if t not in team_list:
            games_against = float(np.sum(toy_wins[teams[team]][idx]+toy_wins[idx][teams[team]]))
            denom += games_against/float(rating_iter[rating][teams[team]]+rating_iter[rating][idx])
    return wins/denom

print new_rating('a', 0)
print new_rating('b')
print new_rating('c')
for team in teams:
    print 'team %s: %f\n' % (team, new_rating(team))
team a: 1.333333

team c: 0.666667

team b: 1.000000
rating_iter = []

for i in range(2000):
    temp_ratings = []
    # specifiy ratings order via list
    # notice in test function in cell above 'b' and 'c' swap prefered order
    for j in ['a', 'b', 'c']:
        temp_ratings.append(new_rating(j, i))
    if np.array_equal(rating_iter[-2], rating_iter[-1]):
        print "number or iterations to maximize:", i

print "ratings:", rating_iter[-1]
print "Team A beats B: %f" % (rating_iter[-1][0]/(rating_iter[-1][0]+rating_iter[-1][1]))
number or iterations to maximize: 41
ratings: [1.431212899687144, 0.9407335284451731, 0.6183423666278844]
Team A beats B: 0.603392

the ratings are different, not important just ratios, but the winning probability matches example: 60.3%

ready to apply to IPA’s

rating_iter = []
[array([[ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.],
        [ 1.]])]
ipas = {k:v for k, v in zip(df_ipa.columns[:-1], range(9))}
print ipas
{'stone': 5, 'tij': 7, 'lagunitas': 3, 'surly': 6, 'alesmith': 0, 'bells': 2, 'ballastpoint': 1, 'troegs': 8, 'russianriver': 4}
def new_beer_rating(beer, grid=ipa_comp, rating=0):
    beer_list = [beer]
    wins = float(np.sum(grid[ipas[beer]]))
    denom = 0
    for b, idx in ipas.items():
        if b not in beer_list:
            games_against = float(np.sum(grid[ipas[beer]][idx]+grid[idx][ipas[beer]]))
            denom += games_against/float(rating_iter[rating][ipas[beer]]+rating_iter[rating][idx])
    return wins/denom

print new_beer_rating('tij')
# notice again the IPA's get random sorting
for ipa in ipas:
    print '1st rating update of %s: %f' % (ipa, new_beer_rating(ipa))
1st rating update of stone: 0.996435
1st rating update of tij: 0.369463
1st rating update of lagunitas: 0.320238
1st rating update of surly: 1.012494
1st rating update of alesmith: 1.297327
1st rating update of bells: 1.200868
1st rating update of ballastpoint: 1.192828
1st rating update of troegs: 0.915388
1st rating update of russianriver: 1.106168
# just to have the IPA order present for reference
print df_ipa.columns[:-1]
Index([u'alesmith', u'ballastpoint', u'bells', u'lagunitas', u'russianriver',
       u'stone', u'surly', u'tij', u'troegs'],
rating_iter = []

for i in range(2000):
    temp_ratings = []
    # specifiy ratings order via list
    # notice in test function in cell above 'b' and 'c' swap prefered order
    for j in df_ipa.columns[:-1]:
        temp_ratings.append(new_beer_rating(j, ipa_comp, i))
    if np.array_equal(rating_iter[-2], rating_iter[-1]):
        print "number or iterations to maximize:", i

print "ratings:", rating_iter[-1]
print "'t IJ beats Stone: %f" % (rating_iter[-1][7]/(rating_iter[-1][7]+rating_iter[-1][5]))
number or iterations to maximize: 70
ratings: [1.6074466822012488, 1.300273173040017, 1.304919081977399, 0.19824502126552032, 1.1405649634612778, 0.883810335360305, 0.9585607140089442, 0.17355391800160963, 0.788754690387197]
't IJ beats Stone: 0.164138
# generate ratings dict and sort in desc order for creation of grids
ipa_rating_score = {k:v for k,v in zip(df_ipa.columns[:-1], rating_iter[-1])}
ipa_rating_score = sorted(ipa_rating_score.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0]))
[('alesmith', 1.6074466822012488),
 ('bells', 1.304919081977399),
 ('ballastpoint', 1.300273173040017),
 ('russianriver', 1.1405649634612778),
 ('surly', 0.9585607140089442),
 ('stone', 0.883810335360305),
 ('troegs', 0.788754690387197),
 ('lagunitas', 0.19824502126552032),
 ('tij', 0.17355391800160963)]

new ipa_perc grid in sorted order by ML ratings

ipa_perc_sorted = np.zeros(81).reshape(9,9)

new_beer_row = 0

for i in ipa_rating_score:
    new_beer_col = 0
    for j in ipa_rating_score:
        old_beer_row = ipas[i[0]]
        old_beer_col = ipas[j[0]]
#         print i, j, old_beer_row, old_beer_col
        ipa_perc_sorted[new_beer_row][new_beer_col] = ipa_perc[old_beer_row][old_beer_col]
        new_beer_col += 1
    new_beer_row += 1
np.round_(ipa_perc_sorted, 2)
array([[  nan,  0.56,  0.53,  0.61,  0.63,  0.63,  0.67,  0.89,  0.91],
       [ 0.44,   nan,  0.51,  0.54,  0.59,  0.59,  0.63,  0.86,  0.85],
       [ 0.47,  0.49,   nan,  0.55,  0.57,  0.6 ,  0.62,  0.84,  0.84],
       [ 0.39,  0.46,  0.45,   nan,  0.56,  0.57,  0.61,  0.86,  0.89],
       [ 0.37,  0.41,  0.43,  0.44,   nan,  0.53,  0.55,  0.85,  0.79],
       [ 0.37,  0.41,  0.4 ,  0.43,  0.47,   nan,  0.51,  0.83,  0.85],
       [ 0.33,  0.37,  0.38,  0.39,  0.45,  0.49,   nan,  0.8 ,  0.82],
       [ 0.11,  0.14,  0.16,  0.14,  0.15,  0.17,  0.2 ,   nan,  0.59],
       [ 0.09,  0.15,  0.16,  0.11,  0.21,  0.15,  0.18,  0.41,   nan]])

estimated probability of IPA preference

ipa_est_pref = np.zeros(81).reshape(9,9)

est_row = 0

for i in ipa_rating_score:
    est_col = 0
    for j in ipa_rating_score:
        if i[0] == j[0]:
            est_col += 1
            ipa_est_pref[est_row][est_col] = i[1]/(i[1]+j[1])
            est_col += 1
    est_row += 1

print [beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score]
np.round_(ipa_est_pref, 2)           
['alesmith', 'bells', 'ballastpoint', 'russianriver', 'surly', 'stone', 'troegs', 'lagunitas', 'tij']

array([[ 0.  ,  0.55,  0.55,  0.58,  0.63,  0.65,  0.67,  0.89,  0.9 ],
       [ 0.45,  0.  ,  0.5 ,  0.53,  0.58,  0.6 ,  0.62,  0.87,  0.88],
       [ 0.45,  0.5 ,  0.  ,  0.53,  0.58,  0.6 ,  0.62,  0.87,  0.88],
       [ 0.42,  0.47,  0.47,  0.  ,  0.54,  0.56,  0.59,  0.85,  0.87],
       [ 0.37,  0.42,  0.42,  0.46,  0.  ,  0.52,  0.55,  0.83,  0.85],
       [ 0.35,  0.4 ,  0.4 ,  0.44,  0.48,  0.  ,  0.53,  0.82,  0.84],
       [ 0.33,  0.38,  0.38,  0.41,  0.45,  0.47,  0.  ,  0.8 ,  0.82],
       [ 0.11,  0.13,  0.13,  0.15,  0.17,  0.18,  0.2 ,  0.  ,  0.53],
       [ 0.1 ,  0.12,  0.12,  0.13,  0.15,  0.16,  0.18,  0.47,  0.  ]])
# import plotly.plotly as py
# import plotly.graph_objs as go

# - OR -
# import seaborn as sns
# {k:v for k,v in zip(range(9), [beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score])}

ipa_perc_sorted_df = pd.DataFrame(ipa_perc_sorted, 
                               columns=[beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score], 
                               index=[beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score])

ipa_est_pref_df = pd.DataFrame(ipa_est_pref, 
                               columns=[beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score], 
                               index=[beer[0] for beer in ipa_rating_score])
import seaborn as sns
C:\Anaconda2\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\ UserWarning: axes.color_cycle is deprecated and replaced with axes.prop_cycle; please use the latter.
  warnings.warn(self.msg_depr % (key, alt_key))
# User Rating Preferences
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plt.title('User Rating Preferences')
sns.heatmap(ipa_perc_sorted_df, annot=True, cbar=False, cmap="YlGnBu")
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x8e8bd30>

# Maximum Liklihood Estimates
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plt.title('Maximum Liklihood Estimates')
sns.heatmap(ipa_est_pref_df.replace(0, np.nan), annot=True, cbar=False)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0xa561b00>